Thursday, March 18, 2021

Dangerous Magic...Monica Fairview

 It's such a pleasure to welcome Monica Fairview back to More Agreeably Engaged. Monica has a new book with a little magic! The title, Dangerous Magic, is intriguing without knowing anything else about the book. Then there is the cover. Take a look at it to the right. Isn't it pretty. I love the two colors. It lends the look of magic to the cover and also draws us in. Besides the title and cover to get our curiosity going, we are in for a treat because Monica is sharing the back cover copy and an excerpt! Not only that, but Ms. Fairview is giving away one eBook to a lucky reader. More on the giveaway later. For now, let's read what is on the back cover. 



A sparkling tale of Regency England, a forced marriage, and two magicians who must work together to save the Kingdom.

Elizabeth Bennet is stunned when the Royal Mages come to her peaceful country home of Longbourn to take her away. She is even more bewildered when she is commanded to marry a powerful mage by the name of Fitzwilliam Darcy. She has always dreamed of marrying for love, and an arranged marriage with an arrogant stranger was never part of her plans.

But Darcy and Elizabeth have no choice in the matter. Uniting their two forms of magic is essential if the Kingdom is to defeat Napoleon’s mages. They may dislike each other on sight, but Darcy and Elizabeth have to overcome their differences and find common ground before it is too late. Fortunately, it is not long before the sparks begin to fly between them. 

Join the author of ‘Fortune and Felicity’ in this Jane Austen Fantasy Variation, an enchanting story of determination, love, and hope against all odds. 



Darcy paced up and down in his practice hall, for once unable to keep his mind on his training. He was not a member of the Council, but he had expected to be invited to Elizabeth Bennet’s assessment. However, they had refused to allow him to be part of it, on the grounds that he might influence the proceedings. He had never heard anything more ridiculous. Why would he want to do such a thing? He did not particularly like the idea of marrying her, true, but he was hardly going to stand in the way of the only candidate who might be able to help him win the war.

Or did they think he would try to influence the proceedings in her favor? That he might find a way to help her? He would never do that, either. There was no point appointing a Janus Mage who could not live up to their expectations.

The ways of the Council were often mysterious to him. It would all be a great deal easier if Lord Matlock would not be so tight-lipped about the whole business. After all, Darcy was the one who had to live with their decision. He ought to have a say about whether she was suitable or not. Instead, he was forced to wait it out.

He hoped his uncle would remember to inform him of the outcome, and that Darcy would not be forced to go to the Council Chamber himself to find out the verdict.

He was on the verge of doing that very thing when there was a knock at the door and his uncle appeared.

“Well?” said Darcy, dreading the answer, one way or the other.

Matlock smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “The results are impressive, Darcy. Very impressive. She has all the qualities we require. She is able to stay calm even in the most adverse situation, her magic is powerful, and she is creative.”

Darcy let out the breath he was holding. “Thank heavens. We can finally get on with it.”

Then he registered something in his uncle’s words. “Did you say ‘creative’? What does that mean, exactly?” It was not a characteristic that people normally associated with mages.

His uncle smiled. “I am sure you will discover what I mean very soon. Meanwhile, you can be easy. We have found you a Twin, and I think you will be satisfied. Though I have the feeling that you will not be as pleased about it as I am.”

“I wish you would speak plainly for once, Uncle, instead of always speaking in riddles,” said Darcy. “Will she do or will she not?”

“If that is all you wish to know,” said Lord Matlock. “Then I will answer plainly. Yes, Darcy, Miss Bennet will do.”

Darcy nodded. “Good. Then the wedding will take place as planned.”

“Yes.” Lord Matlock turned to leave. As he walked out of the door, Darcy thought he heard his uncle say, “and heaven help you, my boy.”

But when he called out for the earl to explain himself, Darcy did not receive an answer.


Are you ready to read more about Dangerous Magic?


Monica Fairview writes Jane Austen sequels and variations as well as Regencies. Her latest novel is a Pride and Prejudice fantasy variation, Dangerous Magic. Her biggest claim to fame is living in Elizabeth Gaskell’s house in Manchester, long before the house was restored. After studying in the USA, she taught literature, then became an acupuncturist. She now lives near London.

Monica loves anything to do with the nineteenth century, and obsessively follows every period drama she can find. Some of her favorites are ‘North and South’, ‘Bright Star’ and ‘War and Peace’, and a dozen others that she couldn’t possibly list here. Of course, she has watched Pride and Prejudice (1995 and 2005) more times than she could count on her hands and toes. 

Monica enjoys reading fantasy and post-apocalyptic novels but avoids zombies like the plague. She loves to laugh, drink tea, and visit National Trust historic properties [those were the days!], and she is convinced that her two cats can understand everything she says.





As I already mentioned, there is one eBook being given away by Monica Fairview. The giveaway is international. Leave a comment below to enter the giveaway. Be sure I have a way to contact you. The giveaway will end at midnight on the 23rd of March. Good luck everyone!

Now tell us what you thought about the excerpt? Did you like it? What about some of the others that you have read? I'm fascinated with what I've read so far. The line that Lord Matlock uttered in the next to last paragraph above hooked me. The entire excerpt had me wanting to read more, so I purchased the eBook! Have any of you read it yet? I hope to soon. 

Thanks for stopping by, Monica. I appreciate you including my blog your tour. I wish the best with this release. It looks like it is already doing quite well! Congratulations!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

And the winners are...

There have been several posts with giveaways. All winners have been contacted and books delivered. Congratulations to all the winners. A special thank you to the authors hosting the giveaways. The winners were excited to have won. 

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and left a comment. I appreciate your support of my blog, and I know each of the authors thank you for reading their posts and commenting. 

The winners, starting with the most recent first, are:

Elaine Jeremiah's novel Elizabeth and Darcy: Beginning Again

2 eBook winners

DarcyBennet and Nightstitcher

Came a Flight Gently by Leigh Dreyer and Paul Trockner

1 eBook winner

Deborah Ann

Angel in Her Pocket by Brenda J. Webb

2 eBook Winners


Kelly Miller

Congratulations to everyone. It's always fun to read your comments. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Elaine Jeremiah... Elizabeth and Darcy: Beginning Again

It is a pleasure to have the lovely Elaine Jeremiah as my guest today. She has a new release, Elizabeth and Darcy: Beginning Again. Have you been seeing it around the blogosphere? Have any of you read it yet? If you have, please let us know in the comments.

Since we all love excerpts, Elaine is sharing one with us today. Isn't that great! We will be able to learn a little more about the book. She is also giving away two eBooks! Thank you for your generosity, Elaine. 

Let's take a look at the blurb before we read the excerpt.


Little does Elizabeth Bennet think the journey across muddy fields from her home at Longbourn to Netherfield Park will change her life forever.

But an unexpected encounter with the proud and haughty Mr Darcy leaves her injured and vulnerable. Worse still, she is left alone with him for a significant amount of time. Her reputation at risk, she is forced to make a decision about her future. Now her life will never be the same again. 

Can Elizabeth ever be happy? Or will she always loathe Mr Darcy?


I like the sounds of this book. Lots of Darcy/Lizzy time is always a plus for me. What about you? Do you like them to spend much time in company? Maybe the excerpt will give us a peep into some of that together time! :)


They had been trapped together for hours now. The rain was still pouring down outside and yet Darcy was immeasurably relieved. Conversing with Elizabeth on the subject of their favourite novels had been the most pleasant discussion he had had with her in the history of their short acquaintance. During their previous heated exchange, he had thought that they would never be able to get past their difference of opinion. He did so wish not to be at odds with her. Why exactly that was he could not have said. And yet she was like no other young woman he had ever met.

Her manner was so unaffected and natural. There appeared to be no guile in her nature. In spite of their somewhat precarious situation, he found himself glad to be in her company. How it would end he knew not. He supposed that when the rain died down he ought to go and get some help. Walking to Netherfield Park would most likely be the easiest solution. It was not so far from here. 

But for the moment there was nothing he could do except to remain seated next to her in the tiny hut. He found it was no hardship to him however and he wondered if after today’s events, her feelings towards him would thaw a little. Perhaps that was too much to hope for though, and he should just be gratified that fate had thrown him together with her for a while.

He shook his head at his jumbled thoughts. What is wrong with you, man? he asked himself. What is it to you if the lady likes you or not? Even if she did and you liked her in return, there would be nothing to be done about it. She is unsuited to you in every way. She is

‘Mr Darcy?’

He started and turned to see Elizabeth staring at him with a puzzled expression on her face. He cleared his throat, which was suddenly dry. ‘Yes, Miss Bennet?’

‘Are you quite well?’

He felt his cheeks growing warm. ‘Yes, thank you, quite well.’

She gave him a searching look. ‘I am glad to hear that. Only, you appeared lost in thought and you shook your head as if something were the matter.’ She paused, leaning her head to one side as she regarded him. ‘I hope I am not the cause of it.’

Egad, how did she succeed in reading his mind? ‘Not at all,’ he said. Would she see through his lies?

But it appeared that she believed him, for she said, ‘I am glad to hear it, sir. Goodness knows I’ve caused enough trouble to last you a lifetime.’

He shook his head. ‘Not at all, madam. I have… I am enjoying being in your company. In any case, I should say that of the two of us you are the worse off. After all, you have the injured ankle.’ He gestured towards it. ‘Are you still in great pain, or is it improving somewhat?’

She scrunched up her nose. ‘My ankle has seen better days. But the pain is less when I do not put any weight upon it.’

Before he knew what he was doing or could stop himself, he reached out a hand to her and touched her arm for a brief moment, then removed it as swiftly. Mortified, he said, ‘Forgive me, Miss Bennet, I am not quite myself. I am concerned for your welfare and that is all.’

Elizabeth looked at him with a curious expression on her face. It seemed to him to be a mixture of outrage and something else. What that was he could not have said. But when she spoke, she merely said, ‘Please do not trouble yourself, Mr Darcy. I am not affronted. After all, you have handled me a great deal more than that already today.’

He nodded, biting his lip and dropping his gaze to the floor with a smile. ‘You are right, I suppose. But in truth, my carrying you all that way was out of necessity rather than will.’

‘So you wished to touch my arm?’

He sat up swiftly, his cheeks burning. He could not meet her gaze. ‘I did not entirely… that is to say…’ He trailed off, unable to finish.

‘Sir, it is of no matter to me whether you wished to or not,’ Elizabeth answered him. When finally he felt equal to the task, he risked a glance up at her. To his surprise she looked as though she were trying to suppress a smile, a laugh even. ‘In fact I am glad that you are not finding my company a trial.’

‘A trial? Oh no, Miss Bennet, I could never say that.’

She nodded, pursing her lips. ‘Then, Mr Darcy, perhaps we may draw a line under the truly terrible turn of events at the assembly and continue to be cordial in one another’s company, as we are being now?’

He smiled at her hyperbole and at the knowledge that perhaps she no longer hated him. ‘Of course, Miss Bennet. Nothing would please me more.’


This sounds like a good read. Darcy was caught! I loved that he was blushing and unable to meet Elizabeth's gaze. I'm ready to find out what happens next! 

Author Bio:

Elaine lives in Bristol, South West England with her husband and their golden retriever, Dug. But she was privileged enough to grow up in Jane Austen country, in Hampshire.

She’s always loved writing, but it’s only been in recent years that she’s been able to devote more time to it. She decided to self-publish with the help of her wonderful husband who’s very tech-savvy! In 2013 she self-published her first novel, but it was only with her fourth, her novel ‘Love Without Time’, that she felt she finally found her niche: Jane Austen Fan Fiction! 

She’s always loved Jane Austen’s writing and the Regency era, so this felt like a natural thing for her to do. ‘Elizabeth and Darcy: Beginning Again’ is the first ‘Pride and Prejudice’ variation she’s written.

If you want to connect with Elaine online, her Facebook page can be found here: 

Her Twitter handle is: @ElaineJeremiah

Her website is here:


It's time for the giveaway! Yay! Two of you will get the eBook, Elizabeth and Darcy: Beginning Again, and get to find out for yourself, what happens next. To enter, please share your thoughts on the excerpt. Be sure I know how to reach you, should you be the winner. The giveaway will end at midnight, Central Time, on the 23rd of February. Good luck to all of you.


Should you want to go ahead and purchase your own copy, the links are below:

Amazon US

Amazon UK


Elaine, thank you so much for including my blog in your tour for this new release. I loved having you visit. Thank you also for the generous giveaway for my readers. Best wishes on your book.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Came a Flight Gently...Leigh Dreyer and Paul Trockner

My guests are Leigh Dreyer and Paul Trockner. I am happy to have both of you visit my blog. Leigh has been a guest before, but not Paul, so welcome, Paul. I am fascinated that the two of you wrote this together, especially since you are father and daughter. That must have been a great experience for both of you. Congratulations! 

We have a giveaway and an excerpt, but first I'll let you learn a bit more about the authors, post the blurb, then get to the excerpt and giveaway. Thanks to all of you, Dear Readers, for stopping by.

Author Bios

Leigh Dreyer is a huge fan of Jane Austen variations and the JAFF community. She is blessed to have multi-generational military connections through herself and her husband, who she met in pilot training. She often describes her formative years in this way: “You know the ‘Great Balls of Fire’ scene in Top Gun (Goose, you big stud!) when Goose and Meg Ryan have their kid on the piano? I was that kid.” Leigh lives with her pilot husband, a plane-obsessed son, a daughter who was a pink pilot for Halloween, and a one-year-old son who is so used to F-16 noise, he does not even startle to sonic booms.      

Paul Trockner was an Air Force fighter pilot for twenty-eight years. He flew the F-111, T-37, A-10, and T-38. He currently teaches fighter pilots using simulator instruction. He has been happily married for thirty-six years to his lovely wife Elizabeth. Leigh is the oldest of his five children. 


In the exciting conclusion of the Pride in Flight Series (The Best Laid Flight Plans and The Flight Path Less Traveled), our dear couple Elizabeth and Darcy have moved to Pemberley to begin their lives together. An outsider to New York society and the affluent world of Darcy, our heroine uses her characteristic drive and wit to begin her marriage and all that comes with him.  Helped along by Mrs. Reynolds and a curmudgeonly airplane mechanic, Elizabeth discovers a new path to the civilian flight world. Darcy, ever the hero, supports her and learns to trust her instincts. Fast-paced and dramatic, Came a Flight Gently soars through love, adventure, and intrigue as it races through Reno to the finish.

Excerpt from Chapter Five

“How’d you find this place?” he asked as he sat down with a cup of coffee.

“Mrs. Reynolds sent me down.”

 “I don’t need any help. I’m fifty-nine, not seventy-nine, for heaven’s sake. I can handle the airplane.”

Elizabeth stifled a smile with her cup. “Maybe she thought with two you’d like an assistant.”

“We’ve had two planes before. When Will and Richard were learning to fly, we had a Citabria and the Bonanza. Mr. Darcy and I taught them. Will’s become a great little pilot, though I shouldn’t let him hear me call him little.” Chuckling, the mechanic continued. “No, not Mr. F-22 fighter pilot.” He straightened himself. “Of course, it’s not an A-10. Now, I think he just got done flying ‘38s.”

“Did you fly in the service?” Elizabeth asked, taking a sip.

“Yep, F-111s, two tours, T-37s in between, A-10s and T-38A and Cs. Around forty-three hundred hours. But what I’m most proud of is over two thousand instructor hours.”

“How’d you become a mechanic?”

“Retired from the service. Got into some financial trouble with my ex-wife. Mr. Darcy, Will’s dad, hired me as an assistant mechanic. I apprenticed for a year, then took over when the other retired.” He looked at her over his glasses. “You aren’t in trouble, are you?”

“No, no.” Elizabeth laughed.

“By the way, I’m Steve Weston,” he said, reaching out his hand.

“Elizabeth Ben—I mean—Elizabeth Darcy.”

“You one of their cousins or something?”

“Or something,” answered Elizabeth, not wanting to ruin the moment.

“Well, hot chocolate’s done. The salt’s probably worked so we have no excuse.”

They donned their gloves again and went back to the doors. The salt had worked and the ice on the doors only required a little persuasion with the sledgehammer. Elizabeth felt a thrill run through her with the physical labor and banging the ice off the door. It’s been too long since I’ve felt useful. After several minutes of work, the large doors creaked open, filling the warmer hangar with cold air.

“We need to work quick,” Mr. Weston called loudly to her from the other side of the hangar. “The block was heated, and it’s been in the hangar, but we need to get the runup done before it cools.”

The aircraft positioned and chocked, Mr. Weston opened the back door and started the engine to let it warm and cycle the propeller. Once shut down, he motioned over to Elizabeth and showed her where to look for leaks. When they found none, they closed the hangar doors and turned up the heater. It was six when they got all the covers put on the plane and it was ready to fly again another day.

“What can you tell me about the Lancair?” she asked, pointing to the candy apple red plane next to Darcy’s Bonanza.

“Not much,” Mr. Weston said as he filed various tools away into their places. “A friend of mine flew it in for Will a couple weeks ago on a ferry permit. The builder did a good job but didn’t fly it. I’ve got the paperwork and books on it. I’ve got to do a condition check and go through all the systems. It’ll take about two months. It has better technology than the Bonanza, well at least newer, composite fuselage, fuel injection. Updated glass cockpit inside. Comfortable, stable, fast, but you have to pay attention more than a 172. You got any time?”

She let her hand glide along the smooth painted wing as she listened. “I’ve my private license and about seventy hours in the T-6.”

“Tailwheel time, eh?”

“Uh, no. The new T-6. I was in the Air Force.”


She shifted uncomfortably as he examined at her. She could practically see the questions running through his mind, though he had not paused his work.

“Yeah, I had a mishap and was medically retired.”

“Hmm, you’ll have to tell me about it sometime. I worked as a safety for a bit, so I enjoy hearing about those things.”

After a pause, Elizabeth summoned the courage to ask: “Mr. Weston, do you still teach?”

“Flying or mechanics?”

“Flying is what I’m most interested in at the moment. I think I would like to get my commercial and become a CFI.”

“Can you afford it? The 172 down the road rents for a hundred and fifty dollars an hour.”

“I think so—my husband has a pretty good gig, and he’s a pilot, too, so I’m sure he’ll be supportive.”

“You’re young. How long have you been married?”

“Almost four months.”

“It will take some time away from him.”

“I think he’ll be okay with it.”

“Huh, let me check with the boss. I don’t think he’d be upset. He just moved back so hopefully no more random trips across the country. Though, with more consistent flying, he might need me around a little more often than in the past.”

“How much will you charge to instruct?” Mr. Weston laughed, a jolly sort of chuckle that Elizabeth found appealing, contrasting his initial porcupine-like personality. He seemed a teddy bear sort of person, one who was initially gruff, but quite warm once he welcomed you to his circle of trust.

“You live near here?”

A smile crossed her face, and she said, “Pretty close.”

“How about you come clean and sweep the hangar, help me with the aircraft, and bring me donuts once a week?”

As she reached out her hand to make the deal, an artic blast came whooshing through the door. Both of them yelled, “Come in or go out, but shut the door!” Shaking hands, they grinned at each other.

“All right. I’ll get it!” They heard as the door slammed shut.

Will Darcy stepped into the hangar. He looked between Elizabeth and Mr. Weston and gave a half-smile.

“Hello, Mr. Weston. How’s the Bonanza?”

“She’s great. Fresh oil. Run up and leak check done. Ready to go again. You put twenty-five hours on her in two months. She’s not flown that much since your dad flew her on business.”

“I know, it got busy there for a while.”

“Will, Mrs. Reynolds sent Elizabeth down for some work.”

Will raised an eyebrow at Elizabeth. “She did, did she? Mrs. Reynolds does a good job making sure everyone stays busy and has the help they need.” Darcy bowed to Elizabeth. “Hello, madam. Captain William Darcy at your service.”

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, kind sir.” Elizabeth held Will’s outstretched hand and curtsied. Neither could keep a straight face and burst out laughing.

Steve Weston looked confused.

“Mr. Weston, may I introduce my husband, Captain William Darcy.” She elbowed Darcy, teasing him about their courtly introduction.

Mr. Weston shook his head and narrowed his eyes at her. “Cousin or something—you had me going. Why didn’t you say something? Oh no. And I had you chopping ice, grabbing tools—”

Elizabeth interrupted. “I was having such a good time, doing something, learning something, I didn’t want to spoil it.”

“I should have thought to introduce both of you before now,” said Darcy. “Mr. Weston was on the board until a few years ago when his son, Frank, took his place.”

Weston smiled sheepishly. “I’ll teach you anytime you want after the thaw, and you’re welcome to stop by anytime to learn something.”

Elizabeth grinned. “I hope our deal’s still on then. I’ll bring the donuts! When do you want me here?” 


Have you read the first two books in this series? If so, what did you think?  We would love to hear your thoughts. What about this excerpt? (I loved that Elizabeth didn't specify exactly who she was!) Make you want to know more? You can go ahead and preorder with the universal links below.

Universal Links for the February 14th Preorder:

US Link:

UK Link:

If you haven't read the first two books, they are on sale right now. There are buy links below. The sale is through the 14th of February, so now is your chance to own these eBooks. 

The Flight Path Less Traveled Links

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

The Best Laid Flight Plans Links

Amazon US link:

Amazon UK link:

Contact Information

Author Name: Leigh Dreyer and Paul Trockner


Facebook: Leigh Dreyer

Facebook Page: @leighdreyerauthor



Giveaway Time: 

The authors are giving away one eBook and it is worldwide. Leave a comment below to enter, and be sure I have an email or some way to contact you, should you be the winner. The giveaway will end February 15th at midnight central time. Good luck to everyone. 

Thank you to Leigh and Paul for visiting my blog and hosting a giveaway for my readers. We wish you the best with your book.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Riana Everly...Death in Highbury: An Emma Mystery

 My guests today are Riana Everly and London's premier society paper, Regency Scandals Today. Ms. Everly is being interviewed about her new series, Miss Mary Investigates. The latest book in this series is Death in Highbury: An Emma Mystery. We will talk more about it later, and Riana Everly has an excerpt for us as well.

Before we sit down for the interview, I would love to share a little bit more about this latest release. Here's the blurb for Death in Highbury: An Emma Mystery


When political chaos in London forces Mary Bennet to take refuge in the picturesque town of Highbury, Surrey, she quickly finds herself safe among friends. Emma Woodhouse welcomes her as a guest at Hartfield, Jane Fairfax is delighted by her love of music, and Frank Churchill can’t stop flirting with her. But it is not long before Mary starts to suspect that beneath the charming surface, Highbury hides some dark secrets.

Alexander Lyons is sent to Surrey on an investigation, and at his friend Darcy’s request, heads to Highbury to make certain Mary is comfortable and safe. But no sooner does he arrive than one local man dies, and then another!

Soon Alexander and Mary are thrust into the middle of a baffling series of deaths. Are they accidents? Or is there a very clever murderer hiding in their midst? And can they put their personal differences aside in time to prevent yet another death in Highbury?


Since we know a bit more about the book, I invite you to sit in and enjoy the interview before it goes to press.

Greetings, Gentle Readers. Regency Scandals Today, Regency London’s premier society paper, is delighted to publish this interview with our favourite authoress of matters romantical and mysterious, Mrs. Riana Everly. We beg your indulgence as we relate every word to you, as follows.

RST: Mrs. Everly, thank you for slipping through time from your own futuristic era to speak with us.

RE: The pleasure is mine. And I must thank you for inviting me to talk to you, as well as to this lovely blog for allowing me the space to speak.

RST: What can you tell us about your new series, Miss Mary Investigates? I have heard of it, but know very little and would be illuminated.

RE: Gladly. Miss Mary Investigates chronicles the adventures and detection skills of Miss Mary Bennet. You know her, of course, from Miss Austen’s wonderful novel Pride and Prejudice. But whereas Miss Austen focuses her tale on the older two Bennet sisters, Elizabeth and Jane, my own tale allows Mary to step forward and out of her sisters’ shadows. In Death of a Clergyman, it is Mary who acts to save Elizabeth from the most dreadful accusation of murdering their vile cousin, Mr. Collins.

RST: Poor Miss Elizabeth! How fortunate that Mary was there to save her. But what of this second adventure? Surely Elizabeth is not so accused again?

RE: No, not at all. Now Elizabeth is quite safe from all blame and is happily married to Mr. Darcy. But Mary’s adventures are not over. In this novel, Death in Highbury, she removes to the world of Miss Austen’s novel Emma, where a new set of deaths puzzle her.

RST: Murders! How horrid! And how exciting. But I must ask, why Mary Bennet? If I recall, she is not the most interesting character in Miss Austen’s work. Surely Miss Elizabeth – or, rather, Mrs. Darcy – would be better suited to the role.

RE: You are quite correct, and others have, indeed, allowed Elizabeth to step into the shoes of the detective, shoes which she fills very well indeed. But Mary is not the unassuming wallflower some believe her to be.

Indeed, Mary Bennet has some particular qualities that make her a very good sleuth. The main one, ironically, is the fact that she is so forgettable. She is the sister that everyone ignores and pays no attention to, which means she sometimes hears and sees things that should probably be kept secret.

She is also smart. She might not have Lizzy’s sparkling wit, but she is studious and well-read, and she has a great deal of time to think and mull and ponder. All that time poring over her books of sermons and her piano studies has done something to improve her mind, after all, even if people don’t always want to hear the results.

RST: Miss Mary seems more than qualified for her role, then. Does she undertake these adventures alone?

RE: No, she is not always pleased by the connection, but she does have a confederate, an investigator from London by the name of Alexander Lyons. He is an annoying Scot with red hair, a strong accent, and no time for the upper classes, even though they’re the ones who keep him in business.

RST: A Scot? Does he (brings out fan) wear a kilt, by chance? La! Is it getting warm in here? Ahem. How did Mary come to know him?

RE: Alas, he dresses quite as any other Londoner would dress. When Mr. Collins was killed, Mr. Darcy engaged Alexander to help solve his murder and save Elizabeth from the gallows.

RST: Mr. Darcy? How was he connected to this investigator?

RE: It seems that Alexander helped Mr. Darcy with a problem of his own the previous summer. You can read about this in the novella The Mystery of the Missing Heiress, available at Amazon or at Smashwords.

RST: If Mr. Lyons is present again in Highbury, Mary must be quite delighted to see his kilt… I mean, his face again.

RE: Sadly this is not the case. When Mary is stranded in Highbury because of tragic events in London, Mr. Darcy sends Alexander down to see to her wellbeing. But Mary is not entirely pleased by this. Here. Rather than having me talk further, let me offer you an excerpt from the novel.

Here is an excerpt from Death in Highbury: An Emma Mystery.

The sun had brightened and grown hot, and the village was now quite busy, with shopkeepers calling from doorways and windows, children dashing from building to building, tradesmen and village folk scurrying about in their daily routines. A small group were clustered outside of the Crown, talking loudly of the news from London, and a larger crowd seemed to be gathered within, from the noise that spilled out onto the street. Behind the inn, which sat in a sort of island off the main square, Mary could see the stables and yard, where a carriage stood devoid of its horses. It must have arrived some time ago, the team that drew it even now being tended by the ostlers, its occupants taking nourishment in the inn and tending to their needs. 

She had not thought Highbury to be a usual place for carriages to stop and take rest, since it was off the main roads and on the way to nowhere in particular, but people would travel where they must, and a respectable inn was not to be sneered at. Having spent her own time in its warmth last evening, she congratulated the travellers on their fine choice.

“Come, Miss Bennet, come with me,” Emma dragged her towards a tea shop that sat to one side of the inn. “You must try Mrs. Latimer’s ices. They are quite as fine as those in London, from what my sister tells me, and she has cakes and other treats as well. Do join us, Mr. Knightley. I shan’t tell Papa, for he would be angry at you.” 

A sweet ice sounded the very thing, and Mary was happy to oblige. As Mr. Knightley trailed behind them, she allowed Emma to pull her past the crowd by the inn and towards the door, but as they passed the narrow lane that ran down the far end of the Crown, she heard a voice she never thought to hear again.

“Now, now, Mr. Cox, this is a very fine tale you’ve told me.” She would know those deep tones and that broad Scots accent anywhere. “I admit it seems alarming, although such things are not unusual. I shall make some inquiries and will return to you as soon as I have something to relate. You’re staying in the inn as well? Then I shall see you anon. And thank you again for the ride down. ‘Twas much more comfortable a way to travel than by post.”

It was him. Whatever was he doing here? He could hardly be seeking her, for he had not come to visit as he had promised before. What strange business could have drawn him to this village in the middle of Surrey, near no town or location of major importance? And moreover, could she possibly avoid him? She hurried her steps to move to Emma’s side, the quicker to enter Mrs. Latimer’s tea shop, but it was too late.

“Miss Bennet! Mary.” He had seen her. There was no recourse but to halt her steps and turn to face him.

“Mr. Lyons.” Her eyes were narrow and cold. She had not forgiven him, and she wished to let him know it.

“I say,” Mr. Knightley exclaimed. “Lyons—I know that name. Darcy has mentioned you. Miss Bennet, this must be the very man you spoke of in your account of the incident last autumn. Can it be?”

With no good grace, Mary introduced the two men. “Mr. Knightley, may I present Mr. Alexander Lyons of London. Mr. Lyons, Mr. Knightley.”

“We’re back to Mr. and Miss, are we, Mary? Well, so be it.” His voice was resigned, his expression sad, but Mary cared not. They had parted as friends, and then he had broken his promise. Now that the introductions were over, they might go their separate ways once more. 

But Mr. Knightley shattered those thoughts. “We were about to take ice at the tea room. Do join us, sir. I would be pleased to know a friend of Mr. Darcy and of Miss Bennet too.” And so the invitation was accepted, much to Mary’s displeasure.

“What brings you here, Mr. Lyons?” Mr. Knightley sat back in the delicate chair in the tea room. The foursome had ordered their treats and were waiting for the serving girl to return with them.

“Two matters really,” the red-headed Scotsman replied. “I had been engaged to look into a situation that pertains somewhat to these parts, and matters had progressed to the point where I felt I must come down to make my inquiries, but it was a commission from another source that brings me to Highbury itself.” His eyes landed upon Mary and she forced herself to meet them coldly and then look away.


Doesn't this make you want to read the book? It certainly did me. I'm hoping to start it soon. Thank you, Riana Everly, for including me in your blog tour. I wish you much success on this book and series.

For those of you following the blog tour, the schedule is below! Don't forget to enter the giveaway for this stop on the tour. The Rafflecopter is below, or you can enter another way. See below!


Riana Everly was born in South Africa, but has called Canada home since she was eight years old. She has a Master’s degree in Medieval Studies and is trained as a classical musician, specialising in Baroque and early Classical music. She first encountered Jane Austen when her father handed her a copy of Emma at age 11, and has never looked back.

Riana now lives in Toronto with her family. When she is not writing, she can often be found playing string quartets with friends, biking around the beautiful province of Ontario with her husband, trying to improve her photography, thinking about what to make for dinner, and, of course, reading!

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Riana Everly is giving away five eBooks worldwide over the course of the blog tour, chosen randomly from people who enter. To enter, please use the Rafflecopter..

If you don’t like Rafflecopter, you can still enter. Just send an email to ( saying so, and she will add your name to the list for the draw.
The giveaway will close at 12am EST on February 27, 2021.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

My share of the conversation...An Angel in Her Pocket

Today I am sharing my thoughts with you on a novella I read during the Christmas holidays. If you haven't read it, I hope you will. It is Brenda J. Webb's An Angel in Her Pocket. It is a lovely story and a feel good story. Sometimes those are just what I need. 

My review will be rather brief because I do not want to give away too much of the story. I hope it is enough to make you want to read it too. It will be well worth your time.

To give you an idea of what it is about, here is the blurb.

This story was inspired by my favorite Christmas movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart. Whilst my story does not follow that plot, I wanted to write a tale about an angel who helps Elizabeth Bennet one bleak Christmas. Here is the blurb for “An Angel In Her Pocket.”

Life had been hard for Elizabeth Bennet in the months since she refused Mr. Darcy’s proposal at Kent. Lydia eloped with Mr. Wickham, and her father died shortly thereafter. Mr. Collins took possession of Longbourn, forcing her family to live apart to survive. She and Jane left to live in London with the Gardiners, and Elizabeth’s hope of finding employment there was fading quickly as Christmas approached.

Grace Angelini is on a mission from St. Peter to right a wrong. For her plan to work, Fitzwilliam Darcy has to overcome his pride and propose to Elizabeth Bennet a second time, although neither is a part of the other’s circle. Undeterred, Grace does her best to unite the couple by securing a position for Elizabeth as Darcy’s goddaughter’s governess.

Will Grace’s help prove to be a blessing or a curse when Elizabeth’s position is put in peril through no fault of her own?

You’ll find the answer in “An Angel in Her Pocket.”


My share in the conversation...

An Angel in Her Pocket is such a delightful story. I loved every minute of it. Brenda J. Webb did an excellent job with the writing and editing of her Christmas story. I was invested from the beginning and was sorely disappointed when I had to stop reading for the rest of the day! I couldn't wait to start reading again and see how the angel, Grace, was going to bring Darcy and Lizzy together. 

There was a puppy and a young girl in this story! It was enjoyable seeing Darcy and Elizabeth interact with both. 

I loved Darcy and Lizzy, and the author kept them true to their characters. I will stop here because I do not want to give any spoilers. It's short, delightful, and easy on the pocketbook. Don't miss this one!


I'm giving away one eBook copy of this novella, An Angel in Her Pocket, by Brenda J. Webb. It may be after Christmas, but this story is good any time of the year!

Let me know if you have read it. What did you think? Would you like a chance to win it? If so, leave a comment below. Be sure I have your contact information. Thanks to everyone, and good luck. The giveaway ends Saturday, the 6th of February at midnight, Central Time. The giveaway is US only. I'm sorry for that, but unless there is a way to gift it to you through Amazon, I'm limited to US only.

Monday, February 1, 2021

And the winners are... Rosings Park by Jack Caldwell

Several of you stopped by for Jack Caldwell's visit. We appreciated your thoughts and comments. 

The two winners of the eBook, Rosings Park, the last book in the series, are:

RS  and Sophia Rose

Congratulations, ladies! I hope you enjoy the book. You will have to let us know what you think of it. Thanks to the rest of you for visiting.