How and when did your interest in
Jane Austen and Pride & Prejudice take
I was a
student in college when Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson was released.
When it came out on video (I’m trying not to date myself here!), my mother and
I rented it. I can still hear her giggle behind me at the beginning as Fanny
Dashwood wheedles her husband into giving his sisters nothing. I adored the
movie, and she bought me the book, which ended up on a shelf for some time.
It was
several years later that I found the 1995 Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth
and was hooked. I read Pride and Prejudice quickly, and found myself dreaming
up the future of Darcy and Elizabeth in my head. For some reason, that story
pulled me into Jane Austen further. Since then, I have read Sense and
Sensibility, Emma, and Persuasion. I do hope to finish her writings one day,
but while Persuasion runs a close second to Pride and Prejudice, none of them
has captured my interest in the same way as Darcy and Elizabeth.
Persuasion runs a close second to Pride and Prejudice for me too. Darcy and Elizabeth captured my heart and I have to have my 'fix' every so often. I am so thrilled there are authors like you that help me with that 'fix'. What drove you to start writing your
own books? Did you write other things before writing PnP variations?
I did not
write prior to writing JAFF. My road to JAFF is similar to many stories I have
heard. I devoured just about any story put before me, and eventually found
myself in one of the forum chat rooms. I found a sisterhood of sorts and
enjoyed spending my free time with these ladies and the occasional gent.
Several authors were a part of the group and kept on me to try writing. I would
laugh them off and tell them I was a reader, not a writer. I even tried to give
away a plot idea, but one author wouldn’t have it. She told me to write it
myself. Instead of writing that bunny, I wrote Rain and Retribution. Everything
just sort of cascaded from there.
Since you did not write that bunny and wrote another book instead, do you have a muse that causes your
story to lead you at times or do you use an outline and follow it religiously?
What is your writing routine?
I rarely
have a full outline that I use religiously. I usually start with a partial outline,
but fill things in as they come to me. For some reason, I can never envision
past a certain point. I have to begin writing and get a feel for the characters
and where they’re going to continue the story. I do have one plot bunny that is
very outlined, but even then, the outline is static and can always change. I’m
playing with a story now that I have been writing by the seat of my pants. It
all depends on what the muse latches on to honestly.
I am always fascinated when an author has a muse. Is there any setting that is more
inspirational to you or your muse when writing?
I think it
depends upon the story. I become enamored of something and I research and write
it. Then, I become enamored of something else. With A Matter of Chance, I think
a part of me missed home, so setting it in the south and revisiting antebellum
homes and familiar themes was inspirational. With An Unwavering Trust, I became
fascinated with Jane Austen and Bath. I am currently living in England and
eager to go to Bath. I researched Jane Austen’s time there to include some of
her opinions or activities into the story. I also ran across an article on an
old estate in Oxfordshire called Aberlash house, and fell in love with it. I
never knew that months later it would be bought by George Clooney. I suppose I
was not the only one who became inspired by the setting!
Sounds like you and George Clooney have like tastes. That is neat. After researching Jane Austen's time, what about the Regency era became appealing to you?
My rational
side knows that people probably smelled to high heaven and candle wax dripped
on people during balls, but I don’t care. There’s something about the manners
and propriety and falling in love that intrigues me. They wore gloves and so it
was unusual for two people to touch skin to skin, so a touch that was skin to
skin probably meant a lot more to someone from that time than now. I know I’m
rambling, but there’s something that stirs my imagination in it.
Tell us
something about your newest book that you love most. (if you can without giving
anything away)
That is hard
without giving anything away! I will say that I altered the story a lot from
the beginning since it pre-dates canon, but I love that part of the catalyst
for the ending was something from canon. That’s the best I can do without
ruining it. Sorry!
No apology needed. We do not want you to ruin the story! What have you learned from writing
that has helped you in your daily life?
Wow, that’s
a tricky question. My children would probably say that now I equate any life
lesson to Jane Austen or Pride and Prejudice. ;) But, I would have to say patience. Writing
and editing takes patience that I have not always possessed. Now, I am more
willing to wait to see how something turns out rather than to rush.
Patience would be a good life lesson. I have found the same with my drawings. I cannot rush them. If I do, I ruin them. Is there anything special about
yourself or your writing that you would be willing to share with us?
I had to
think about this one for a while! One thing that has become a thing with my
writing is to use a pet of mine somehow in the story. It began with A Matter of
Chance and the dog Bear. My parents were divorced and I had a real Australian
Shepherd named Bear at my father’s house. He had the same backstory as Lizzy’s
Bear, but I will say that he lived a long and happy life until he died of old
In An
Unwavering Trust, I used my horse Page. He was a huge sweetheart, and I miss
riding him!
Animals are a special part of my life and I like that you put one of yours in your stories. That adds a personal touch. Now to other authors, do you have a modern day author that
has inspired you? If yes, what was it about their writing that was an
I love J.K.
Rowling. She has a way of setting a scene and weaving a complex story that awes
me. I cannot tell you how many times I have read the Harry Potter series and I
don’t tire of it. I could read it again and still enjoy it as much as the first
time I read it.
She is an amazing author. Her books and the movies made about them how captured the world. Now for a different but very important question, we
all have our special reasons for loving Mr. Darcy, what are your reasons?
There are so
many! I adore that he fell in love with Elizabeth Bennet despite the fact that
she was not necessarily socially acceptable for him. I love that he abandoned
society’s expectations by proposing to her at Hunsford (Even though the
proposal was dreadful. Is it bad that I laugh when I read it?). I love that he
took her censure of his behavior to heart—that he made a point to be a better
person for her. He demonstrated how much he loved her with that simple action.
I love that he saved her sister and wanted none of the credit. He intended to
be a silent hero, not wanting recognition but wanting to be loved for himself.
Mr. Darcy isn’t perfect, he definitely has flaws, but he is human and a good
person who attempts to be better for love. Who wouldn’t want that?!
I cannot imagine any woman that wouldn't want that kind of man! :) You have given us a thoughtful and thorough answer...a good response with depth. Thank you for your reflections.

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