
Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Share in the Conversation...New Year Resolutions

A Fitzwilliam Legacy:  New Year Resolutions 
by Tess Quinn

A Fitzwilliam Legacy:  New Year Resolutions did not disappoint and was a delight to read. It begins New Year’s Day, 1799 and ends January 7, 1799. There is an epilogue that does justice to later days and years. I was as pleased with the second volume as I was the first.

At the end of my review of Volume I, I posed some questions that I thought to answer in this review. To do so would spoil the fun of reading both books for oneself.  Instead I will list some significant highlights and favorite parts of this second volume.

Colonel Fitzwilliam accidentally overhears a conversation which makes a difficult situation even more heart-breaking. The two volumes center much round the dear Colonel and the troubles that are put before him. The resolutions and the path to attaining them are vastly rewarding.

Poor Darcy has to ‘handle’ a very trying situation with his cousin, Anne, a situation imposed on him by Lady Catherine. (He does a most excellent job and all is not as it seems.)

When Georgiana was little, she could not pronounce ‘Fitzwilliam’ or ‘Richard’ correctly. Her botched way of saying both names became nicknames for the two gentlemen. Richard’s name was pretty cute and even fit him at times during both volumes. The one for Darcy was adorable but totally ‘NOT’ how I think of Fitzwilliam Darcy!

Anne’s ploy to get her wishes with her mother is something I did not see coming but thoroughly enjoyed. Anne is a bit like her mother after all. Clever girl for outsmarting Lady Catherine!

Darcy and Lizzy’s Twelfth Night Ball dance was swoon-worthy! (sigh)

A recalled conversation between Darcy and Lady Anne gave much insight into Lady Catherine’s behavior and Darcy’s relationship with her. It was believable and felt like canon because it explained so much about the lady. I very much enjoyed this story line and learning of her history with a certain gentleman.

The following quote from Volume II is referencing a young man’s application to Mr. Darcy for Georgiana’s hand.  It is quite descriptive and made me laugh but I also commiserated with the young gentleman.
                This was the most difficult moment of his life! ―Nathaniel Hewitt stood facing a beast of mountainous proportions, concentrating on remaining straight and tall and concealing the slight quiver in his knees.  Not the best impression to leave if one’s legs should buckle and drop one to the floor just at the moment of making application. ― Mr. Darcy did not make it easier. His countenance had assumed a wary frown as soon as Nat had requested a word with him, and the expression had not altered one whit in the interim.
To describe Darcy as ‘a beast of mountainous proportions’ was priceless. I could feel dear Nat’s quiver.

Kitty learns some things about herself as she grows to care for a young clergyman. I enjoyed seeing her character develop.

In Volume II the author stays consistent with her writing style, her story-telling and her lovely use of Regency language, where, in my humble opinion, she ranks among the best. The main plot and the subplots, which were also an integral part of the narrative, were not just neatly tidied up with a bow to bring the story to its gratifying conclusion but were handled in a realistic and satisfying way, giving fulfillment to the ending. Thank you, Tess Quinn, for this most pleasurable read.

This is the second volume of a two volume set and does need to be read after Volume I.

5 out of 5 stars

Tess Quinn is giving away one digital copy of A Fitzwilliam Legacy, Volume I or II to a lucky winner and the giveaway is international. To be entered leave a comment below as I always love reading your 'share in the conversation'Good luck to all. Be sure to include your email address in the comment. To prevent unwanted spam, put your email address with an (at) instead of @.  Winner will be chosen in a random drawing. Giveaway will end at midnight, February 25, 2014. 


  1. Great review, Janet! I always enjoy reading about Twelfth Night festivities and the fact that the ball is swoon worthy is enough for me! :)

    1. Thanks, Jakki. This Twelfth Night Ball has many facets of entertainment and touching moments. Tess Quinn writes in such beautiful language that the reader is transported back to Regency times. I also love the story of Colonel Fitzwilliam although I did not mention it as much in this review. (didn't want to spoil anything)

  2. Love the idea of someone braving Darcy to ask for Georgiana’s hand.

    meikleblog at gmail dot com

    1. I laughed out loud while reading this passage and the ones that followed. I felt for the young man but could just imagine his feelings. Thanks for commenting, Susan.

  3. Now I'm totally curious what Georgie called her cousins. And to see Anne working Lady C sounds fun indeed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    I have already won the first book so please do not enter me.

    1. Sophia, you should still let me put your name in for the chance of winning the second volume.! :) You would enjoy reading how Anne works her mother.

  4. Thank you all, ladies, for commenting and for your interest! Good luck with the drawing! (Sophia, would you not like the chance to comlete the pair?)

    And Janet -- thank you so much for this lovely review! I truly appreciate it, and love seeing the feedback on those things you found 'highlights' in this volume. It is not only gratifying in relation to the present book, but helps in the plot and character choices I might make for future projects. I am aware of the effort it takes to create reviews and condense an entire book into a summary without over-revealing events, and again, thank you for doing it at all, but so well into the bargain.

    1. It was my pleasure, Tess. I enjoyed reading both books and could have added more highlights and favorite parts! I did not mention Sir James in this review but he still was a most favored character addition.

  5. Lovely review, Janet, just enough to make one curious and yet not give anything away. I'm convinced Tess channels our dear Jane because she truly commands the language as though she lived in Regency times. Don't enter me in the contest, as I'm reading the books right now.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jan, and for your comments about my review. They are appreciated.

      I must agree with you, too. I could believe that Tess does indeed channel Jane Austen. Her writing is truly amazing.

    2. What a compliment, Jan! Thank you so much for that - you made my day. Especially as it comes from another writer, the gratification is only increased. I hope you are enjoying the read...

  6. It sounds so interesting to all plots that we will find in this 2nd book. I am wishing to begin to read it, immediately.
    Great review, Janet
    Thank you and Tess for the opportunity of a giveaway.

    1. Thank you, Warmisunqu. I hope you get the chance to read it soon.
