
Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Share in the Conversation...Project Darcy

Project Darcy by Jane Odiwe

Project Darcy is a charming story about five modern day friends taking part in an archaeological dig at Steventon, the home of Jane Austen. Ellie Bentley is a talented artist and watercolorist. She also has another gift, the unique ability of seeing people and places of another time. This special gift allows Ellie to experience a time slip to two hundred years in the past and actually become Jane Austen. What a treat this is for the reader as Jane Odiwe so expertly weaves in the story of Jane Austen and her real-life romance with Tom Lefroy. It is a treasure by itself.

The book seamlessly moves between present and past. The modern day story about Ellie and her friends has close parallels to the original plot and cast of Pride and Prejudice. I had much fun picking out which present day character represented which original! The occasional quotes were sometimes given to someone other than the original counterpart but in such a way that it felt natural.

Each time Ellie slips to the past, the reader learns more about the life of Jane Austen and her growing feelings for Tom Lefroy. It all felt incredibly believable and was extremely gratifying. Even though I knew the fate of the two lovers, Jane Odiwe told their story in such a touching and poignant manner that I did not feel the sadness that I expected. It was beautifully done. I also loved the connection of the past meeting the present with Jane Austen’s reticule, the discovery of its contents and its significance to Ellie. Very neat!

The modern day ending came as a complete surprise. It was a twist that I did not see coming plus it was rather sudden. I wasn’t ready for it to end and wanted to know more. In spite of that wanting, I must add that the last few lines of the book were delightful!

I love the time travel aspect of this narrative and especially when Ellie goes back in time as Jane Austen. Both parts of the story are entertaining and enjoyable. The author’s knowledge of the area shines through in her lovely descriptions of the landscapes. I could see the pictures she was painting and felt like I was there.  Project Darcy is a very good book and for anyone who loves Jane Austen, it is a book not to be missed! 

4.5 out of 5 stars

As a special treat, Jane Odiwe is giving away one paperback of Project Darcy to one lucky person. This giveaway is worldwide. To be entered leave a comment below as I always love reading your 'share in the conversation'Good luck to all. Be sure to include your email address in the comment. To prevent unwanted spam, put your email address with an (at) instead of @.  Winner will be chosen in a random drawing. Giveaway will end at midnight, March 22, 2014. 


  1. I've been meaning to read this book pretty much since it came out and I've read some wonderful excerpts from it. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it so much. I wondered how joined up the story would be with parts of it set in different times.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, I'm at frawli1978 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Ceri, each part was so interesting that it was difficult to leave one and move to the next, but it was a smooth transition from one to the other. I hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  2. I have the book & it's on my TBR list since my commute & workweek I'd between 55 & 60 alone is 50 hrs. skamper25 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Goodness, You have a long work week. I hope you can get a little break and do some reading!

  3. I have finished recently two books that move between present and past of Jane Austen then when I have read your review, I have so curiosity for this book. It will be interesting know what Mrs. Odiwe has said us about it.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  4. Hi Natali! I do hope you get the opportunity to read this one soon. Jane Odiwe does a great job with time travel and Regency language. I think you would enjoy it! I loved reading about Jane Austen and Tom Lefroy.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I loved this book with the wonderful way in which Jane Odiwe intricately wove together her fictional story with the facts from the letters from the time. Really recommend it.

    1. She did an expert job with fiction and facts didn't she. It was such a lovely story. Thanks for stopping by and having your share, Hazel.

  6. A unique twist on my TBR list. I am intrigued. I have enjoyed Jane's other books and I can't wait to see what she does with time travel. Thank you for the giveaway.
    Cherringtonmb at sbcglobal dot net

    1. Hi Becky. Glad you are intrigued. It was such a wonderful story and the parts in the past with Jane and Tom were especially moving. I hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  7. I can't think of anything better to read about then two of my favourite subject - time travel and Jane Austen

    meikleblog at gmail dot com

    1. Oh, then you will truly love this book! It does wonderful justice to both! Good luck in the giveaway!

  8. I am intrigued as well. Live in Ecuador but will be in US for next three months. If I were to win I would like it mailed there. jjjking (at)

    1. That would be great! If you win, it will sent to the address of your choice! Thanks for popping in, Joy. Enjoy your stay in the US.

    2. Actually Janet, I was so intrigued that I bought it. Please see that I am no longer entered for the giveaway. Thanks.

    3. Great! Thanks for telling me, Joy. I will remove you from the giveaway. After you read the book, let me know what you think about it! Enjoy!

  9. Great review, Janet! I really look forward to reading it. Jane does have a wonderful writing style.

    Please don't enter me in the contest since I have it.

    1. Thanks, Sophia Rose. Glad you liked it! I hope you get to read it soon! Let me know your thoughts!

  10. This story sounds interesting. I have enjoyed other Jane Austen fan fiction with a time-travel twist, and look forward to reading Project Darcy.
    Catherine Commons

    1. I have read two other time travel books with Jane Austen and loved them both. Since you enjoyed the others that you have read I bet you will like this one too! Good luck in the giveaway!

  11. I am certainly going to read this book. If I won't win, I'll buy it. I have to know what the contents of Jane's reticule are! ;-)

    moon.card (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. You will like the contents of the reticule. That part of the story involving both present and past was very good and well done. Good luck with the giveaway!

  12. This book looks fantastic and I'm happy you thought it was, Janet. It's been on my to-read list and I'd be super excited to win a copy. Thanks for the chance! :)

    monicaperry00 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Monica! Thanks for stopping by! You do need to read this one as it is fantastic!
      Maybe you will be the lucky winner!

  13. Interesting concept, I definitely liked Lost in Austen. I am very intrigued by what the ending is, I guess Ill have to read the novel to find out.

    1. Yes, you need to read it! Thanks for commenting!
