
Friday, April 11, 2014

And the winners are...

(who left a comment at either post)

A Father's Sins: A Pride and Prejudice Variation 
by J Dawn King

"When I first talked to Janet about posting an interview and giveaway, I never dreamed I would get this response. It came at such a perfect time for me and the comments have encouraged me to keep writing. What a gift that is!

Please let Janet know whether you would like an eBook or a print copy. I am hoping you will choose a print copy so you can pack it with you, underline or dog-ear your favorite parts, loan it out to a discerning friend and reread it again and again. Each book will be signed and include a gorgeous picture of our favorite couple. If, after reading this, you still want an eBook - please let us know. 

Since I live outside the US, I clearly understand the frustration of not being included in the drawings, not fear that you will not get a copy because you live in various parts of out beautiful planet.

(Note: Because of a health issue we will not be returning to the US until the first part of May. If you want an eBook, you will get it gifted to you as soon as we get your contact information. Print books will be mailed the 10th of May. I apologize for the delay.)

J "Joy" Dawn King, Author (it just thrills me to say that!)

A Big Congratulations to all of you, dear readers, who stopped by for a visit and took the time to leave a comment. Isn't this a wonderful gift that author, J Dawn King, has given to each of you?
I could hardly wait for this post! :)  

As soon as possible, please contact me via email with your choice of book, Signed Paperback or eBook and also the contact information whether shipping address or email address. 

Thank you for supporting my blog and Congratulations again on being the winners.

Joy, it has been such a pleasure to have you as my guest and to visit with you via emails. It has been nice to get to know you.  Thank you for this most generous of all giveaways and for having it on my blog. I am honored and humbled. I wish you much success and look forward to your other books. 


  1. You are most welcome, Janet.

  2. Thank you so much, Joy. I'm so looking forward to reading this. And a big thanks to you, too Janet.
    I'd love an autographed copy. Do you still have my address Janet or do I need to resend it via e-mail?

    1. If it has not changed recently, then I do still have it, Sandy. Email me if you need to make any changes. Thanks and congrats!

    2. You are welcome, Sandy. Hope you enjoy.

  3. Wooo!! You are very kind, Joy. I am highest happy for win this prize. I will be glad to read your book.
    Thank you, so much :D

    1. Do you want the paperback or eBook? Let me know. I will need an address for you, Natali!

      Thanks for your support of my blog.

    2. Muchas Gracias! I was happy to do this. Please let me know what you think.

  4. This is so generous of you Joy, thank you.

    1. Isn't this generous? Thanks for sending me you contact info, Ceri!

    2. I am delighted that you are pleased. After you read it, please feel free to leave a comment on Amazon/Barnes and Noble/Goodreads. I've had some great comments and some particularly painful ones. With help from another author I now have my big girl panties on and can take it.... maybe.

  5. That's really generous of you! Congrats again on the new release; I look forward very much to reading it!

    1. Thanks for sending me your address, Cassandra. I will pass it on to Joy.

    2. If you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy your work... well, it will make you sigh, your toes wiggle, and your heart beat faster. You are welcome. Feel free to post a comment after you read it.

  6. How exciting! Thank you so much. I prefer the book on this give away so that I can share with others. Janet has my address. Marti Garrison Taylor

    1. Thanks, Marti. I will give your address to Joy for shipment of the book the first part of May.

    2. You are certainly welcome, Marti. Thank you for wanting to share and hope you still will after reading it. It is exciting, isn't it?

  7. Wow! What a way to celebrate becoming a published author, Joy! Thank you so much for this unexpected gift. I'd love a paperback copy, and Janet, you know where to send it.

    1. Thanks, Jan. I will pass on your info.

    2. I'm almost finished reading, The Secret proposal, and I love it! I've enjoyed all your books.
      Catherine Commons

    3. It is definitely champagne, confetti, and hot pink balloon time for me. Thank you so much for your comments and encouragement. It makes me fingernail-biting nervous to think of you reading my book. Whew! Enjoy and leave a review if you are so motivated.

    4. Please don't do any fingernail-biting on my reading your book. My brain was apparently out to lunch as I was replying to a previous blog about Janet's art. I'm retired and have my daughter and 2 teenage granddaughters living with me in a small house. So I'm sometimes a little confused! I look forward to reading your book!! Thank you for your generosity and congrats on being published.
      Cat Commons

    5. Cat, I think we are kindred spirits. No problem. If it weren't for Jan Hahn, there would be no book from me. Enjoy the read when you get it.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Catherine, if you want to delete this and send me your address that is fine. I have it on file anyway. I will be sending all the addresses to Joy. Thanks for responding.

    2. Thank you Catherine. I didn't know if you were able to delete the personal information or not so I contacted Janet via email and phone to see what can be done. Thank you so much for your interest in my book and I hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think. (Thanks Janet!!!)

    3. Catherine, I deleted the part of the comment that had your address so it would not be 'out there'. :)

      How very generous of you, Joy! I would love a paperback. I'm not sure how to let your know my address, so I'll put here, and hope I don't cause a problem for myself!
      Catherine Commons
      I have to say I love JAFF!

  9. What a blessing! Thanks Joy! I would LOVE a signed paperback copy. Janet has my address. Prayers for the health issue and I wish you the best in the future. Thank you again!

    1. How sweet you are, Christina. You will get a signed copy in the mail as soon as I get back to Oregon. I love prayers and deeply appreciate you thinking of me. Gracias!

  10. This is most generous. Thank you so much. I look forward to reading it. I cant wait! Congrats on publishing! Jeanna

    1. Thank you so much, Jeanna. I wrote a cookbook specific to a cancer clinic almost 30 years ago. This is my first real foray into fiction. I just read a recently released wonderful P&P variation written by a nurse. It was delightful. Might you have read it too? Enjoy "A Father's Sins" and if you are so inclined, please leave a comment.

  11. What a fantastic surprise! Thank you so much, Joy!

    1. You are most welcome, Sophia Rose. I do hope you will like my perception of Jane Austen's characters. Right now, I'm a bit frustrated with Charles Bingley. His capriciousness keeps changing the storyline in my latest effort. Bad man! I'm thinking that his mother should have spanked him more when he was little. Oh, wait, that's Colonel Fitzwilliam I am thinking about. Enjoy "A Father's Sins".

  12. Joy, you are beyond generous! I am opting for the kindle version because I can have it so quickly (though the offer of a signed copy with a picture of Lizzy and Darcy is also tempting!).
    Send it to my Kindly at

    Once again, thank you Janet for posting such an interesting review which encouraged my reply.

    1. It's on its way. Amazon said it might take up to five minutes. Please enjoy and feel free to comment at Amazon after you read it.

  13. That's very generous of you, Joy! I'm a slow reader, so I'm still reading - savoring every page. It's such a good story!

    1. Wendi, you have helped me so much and these great comments came at the perfect time for me. Thanks to you I am writing again. This gift is the least I can do. If you already have a print copy I shall simply send you another to share. I hope your next book is out soon. I am already anxiously waiting.

  14. I'm so sorry you missed out on this one, Wendy. Not only is it a fantastic giveaway but so is the book. I hope you get to read it sometime.

  15. Wendy, what a wonderful attitude to have. I am so sorry that you missed out. If you have a blog or website and would be willing to review my book, I would be happy to send you a copy as described above. At least that way you could read "A Father's Sins". If not, thank you for checking in.

  16. Joy, when I read that the comments encouraged you to keep writing, I almost cried! What a wonderful thing, for all of us, really! That is what I love about the internet! We get to interact with authors who inspire us and then we get to realize that we inspire them as well! Thank you for continuing on! That is the best gift! More great reads!
    I can not wait to read this book! Thank you so much! I will go and email my information right now. Thank you for your generosity and thank you Janet for hosting such a great blog!

    1. Angie, it is the absolute truth. I had gotten one star reviews at Amazon UK and Goodreads and my heart was truly broken. I lost my balance and failed to focus on the many positive, constructive reviews. The comments from those that still wanted to read my book, enough to post a comment or opinion put a bandage on my wounds and I am happy to say that they are healing nicely. So, a big whopping thanks to you and the others.

    2. I think people can sometimes forget when they're writing a review in the seemingly anonymous internet that there is a person who wrote the book out there who might be very hurt at their comments, particularly if they are phrased strongly.

    3. I agree, Ceri. I am amazed and troubled by some of the things people write on reviews at internet sites. Being unknown and not face to face seems to give them a voice that is cruel and thoughtless. They sound as if they don't care or, as you say, 'forget' there is a person behind those books they are reviewing, a person with feeling that has put much of themselves into their work. It has to be difficult for an author to put their work 'out there'. Constructive criticism can be helpful but the other is just plain hurtful!

      Joy, I hope you will not let those few cruel reviewers hinder you too much. Keep writing for yourself and those of us who enjoy your work! I do understand completely as I have gotten some bad comments on some of my covers and it doesn't feel good!

  17. Thank you for this generous giveaway, I think I've never saw a giveaway like this! Can't wait to see your book in my hands and read it!

    1. Loren, I can't wait either. Please enjoy "A Father's Sins" and thank you so much for entering the giveaway in the first place. After you read it, if you could leave a comment I would greatly appreciate it at Amazon/Goodreads/Barnes & Noble. They will help me to be better at this craft.

    2. Sure I will! I have a blog about books and I enjoy to review them! I also make some interview with the authors...maybe after I read the book you can answer some question...

  18. Thank you very much!! It was such a surprise!! You're very generous!!!

    1. You are certainly welcome. If you read the other comments and my replies, you will see why this is such an important thing to do. One kind act deserves another. Please enjoy "A Father's Sins" and let me know what you thing.

  19. Thank you for this kind gift. I can't wait to get my hands on that book! With so much happening around us, being able to dissolve into a beautiful world with old friends is most welcoming. Old friends, I know in a new light, right? Exciting!
    Thank you again, dear Joy.

    1. Melody, you are most welcome. I agree that it is good to have some down time with a story that makes you smile. Please let me know if you smile when you are done with A Father's Sins. Sorry you have to wait until next month to get your book but... medical emergency. Enjoy!

  20. Joy, I wanted to let you know that your book had arrived. I have not, as of yet, been able to even start it! When I finish it you will be the first to know. :)
    Maybe if you are in Portland this summer, find yourself at Memorial Colesuium, we might met in person!
    Thank you again for your generous gift of your book.
