
Saturday, December 28, 2013

And the winners are...

Congratulations to the two winners of:

by C.P. Odom

An eBook for an eReader and a trade paperback
are the two giveaways.

And the winners are...

Monica P who left a comment on December 20
BrendaNZ who left a comment of December 20

Please get back to me as soon as possible with your appropriate addresses, email or shipping!

Thanks for commenting and congratulations again! You should receive your books shortly after it is released.

Thank you, Michele Reed for having the giveaway. 


  1. Yay! *jumps up and down* I'm excited to read it even if it gives me angst-poisoning for awhile lol.

    Thank You Janet and Colin and Michele. :)

  2. Congrats ladies!

    Happy reading! And Happy New Year everyone!

  3. I am really impressed with your working attitude. Thanks a lot for always giving your best.
